Friday, October 26, 2012

Developing New Renaissance Technology, the Difference Between Aesthetics and Ethics

It has been observed that an inadequate understanding of the fundamental difference between aesthetics and ethics brings about an inevitable collapse of cultures. This ignorance, in part, has been forced upon the general Western populace through an illogical mixture of religious and politically organised core curriculum studies that dominate the philosophies of Western scientific culture. Spin doctoring to present illogical aesthetics as passionately held ethical beliefs, brings about an unsustainable concept of the living process, leading to social disintegration.
Because of this problem, the fate of global civilisation now hangs in the balance. Although the difference between aesthetics and ethics is now measurable, the present panic obsession with failing global economic rationalism prevents genuine investigation on this issue. However, the newly emerging chemistry of quantum biology as a medical science, is revealing the nature of the technologies needed for the healthy or ethical betterment of the global human condition.
Quantum mechanics includes the property called 'Observer Participancy'. It is necessary for someone looking through a powerful microscope at a very small part of the fabric of the material universe to use light in order to see it. Because the light can alter the structure of the small fabric being looked at, the observer is considered to be participating in the structure of the universe. Quantum biology is about how the energies of the material universe entangle with the optics of Plato's spiritual, or holographic reality in order for creative consciousness to evolve.
It is quite acceptable to associate ethics with this process of evolving consciousness. That idea was basic to the ancient Greek life-science called the 'Science for Ethical Ends', which was also associated with the 3rd Century BCE Greek 'Science of universal Love'. Recently, a new chemistry of life was discovered, which its three Nobel laureates in Chemistry discoverers refer to as Fullerene Chemistry. Pagan Platonic ethical science is now fundamental to the discovery of their new medical science, because Buckminster Fuller derived his life-science engineering principles from it.
Harvard University's Novatis Professor, Amy Edmonson, in her online book titled 'A Fuller Explanation-The Synergetic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller', published in 1987, explains that Fullerene chemistry is directly associated with Platonic ethics. On page 36 of her book, Professor Edmonson writes that Fuller derived his human survival mathematics from ancient Greece. On the following page is a subtitle, 'Plato's Discovery' in which the ancient mathematics used by Fuller are presented in detail.
The foundation of Western culture's ethical disposition was constructed upon the aesthetics postulated by Immanuel Kant. This can no longer be considered to be a logical concept. Several independent corrections to Kant's logic have taken place, in which the upgrading of his 'Aesthetics' resulted in quantum mechanics being advanced into the quantum biology. One of the scientists who pioneered this process was the 19th Century mathematician Bernard Bolzano, considered to be one of the world's greatest logicians.
Edmund Husserl, in his 'Prolegomena to a pure logic' in 1900, was familiar with Bolzano's 'Theory of science', which was a correction to Kant's 'Aesthetics'. Bolzano's logic led to the discovery of fractal logic ethics. The people who helped to frame 20th Century science such as Benoit Mandelbrot, Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein were quite unable to grasp Bolzano's genius understanding about fractal ethics. Now that Bolzano's logic is an integral part of the now accepted universal Platonic-Fullerene holographic reality, the nature of incredible new human survival technologies have become obvious.
In 1972 Dr Candace Pert discovered the Molecule of Emotion, from which the nature of the entanglement of the material universe with the spiritual holographic reality can be readily deduced. The original Western life-science was correct, ethics belongs as a force to generate healthy biological growth and development through space-time. Proof of this fact was discovered during the 1980s by the science-Art Centre in Australia. Its discovery of a life-force governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time was reprinted in 1990 from the 20th Century World literature by the world's largest technological research institute, IEEE Milestone Series in Washington. Immanuel Kant's 'Aesthetics' can only generate ethical intuitions that provide inspiration to make practical use of ethical information, generated through evolving space-time,for the betterment of the human condition.
It is now possible to realise how aesthetics can be used to create cultural chaos. For example, the aesthetics of Thanksgiving Day when families come together to celebrate family life, is an accepted inspirational concept. However, thanking a God for receiving food, when millions of inarticulate children throughout the world are starving, implies a rather unethical understanding of the Classical Greek science of universal love.
Religious politicians use aesthetic spin doctoring in order to claim that their aesthetic reasoning is the basis of fundamental ethical knowledge. An example of this is Cambridge University's continual reprinting since 1932 of the philosopher, F M Cornford's, essay, titled 'Before and after Socrates', in which Plato is considered to be one of the greatest fathers of the church. That concept remained in use as prescribed core curriculum student studies throughout the world up until the present time. It is unethical nonsense, because Platonic mathematics was outlawed by the Church, as the work of the Devil, under the governorship of Pope Cyril of Alexandria in 415, and that has never been repealed.

What Is The Procedure For Prostate Biopsy

Although you doctor may suspect that you have prostate cancer the only was to be certain is to carry out a prostate gland biopsy in which one or more small samples of tissue are taken from the prostate gland for microscopic examination. But just what is the procedure for prostate biopsy?
A prostate biopsy will be carried out by a urologist (a doctor specializing in men's urinary problems) either in the doctor's office, a day surgery clinic or hospital and can take one of three forms.
In the first form of biopsy, which is known as a transrectal biopsy, you will normally be asked to kneel, lie on your side or lie on your back with your feet elevated in a pair of stirrups. The doctor will then inject a local anesthetic around the prostate gland before starting the procedure.
The transrectal biopsy is normally done using a spring loaded needle which is guided to the site from which tissue is to be taken by an ultrasound probe. In cases where the cancer can be felt during a digital rectal examination the doctor may use a gloved finger to guide the needle rather than an ultrasound probe. In either case, once in position, the needle is used to collect a small tissue sample which is removed and sent for microscopic laboratory examination. A transrectal biopsy usually takes about 30 minutes.
The second form of biopsy is referred to as transurethral biopsy and, as it's name suggests, the sample tissue is collected through the urethra. A lighted scope known as a cystoscope is inserted into the urethra, which passes through the prostate gland, and a cutting loop is then inserted into the cystoscope and used to collect a sample of tissue from the prostate. This procedure can be carried out either using a local anesthetic or general anesthesia and normally takes about 30 to 45 minutes.
The third form of biopsy is known as a transperineal biopsy. A small incision is made in the perineum (the area between the anus and scrotum) and the doctor then inserts a finger into the rectum to hold the prostate in position while at the same time inserting a biopsy needle through the incision in the perineum and into the prostate gland to remove a sample of tissue. This form of biopsy is less common than the other two forms these days and is usually carried out under either local or general anesthetic and takes about 15 to 30 minutes.
In cases where a biopsy is carried out under local anesthetic patients are likely to feel a slight stinging sensation when the local anesthetic is administered and, in the case of a transrectal biopsy, a very brief but sharp pain as the biopsy needle enters the prostate gland.
Following the biopsy patients will normally experience some mild discomfort for a couple of days and may also notice some blood in the urine. There may also be some slight bleeding from the rectum in the case of a transrectal biopsy. In all cases there may be some discoloration of the semen for a period of three to four weeks.
There is also a small risk that the biopsy itself can give rise to an infection or cause bleeding into the urethra or bladder. In rare cases the patient may also have an allergic reaction to the anesthetic used during the procedure. Patients who experience increased pain or a fever, heavy bleeding (or bleeding which continues for more than two or three days after a biopsy) or difficulty in urinating should consult their doctor without delay.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Understanding the Prostate Cancer Stages

There are 5 relevant prostate cancer stages that one must be aware of to understand the full scope of the disease. Prostate cancer is one of the deadliest cancers affecting men today. More men die from Prostate Cancer then any other form of cancer. Yet, Prostate cancer is one the few cancers that, if it is caught early enough, can be corrected or controlled.
The first of the 5 prostate cancer stages is usually only found through a blood test or biopsy in the affect region of the body. It is usually found through a prostate-specific antigen level in the blood test. This stage is called T-1, professionally. It consists of a microscopic tumor that is only in the prostate itself. It is undetectable by rectal exams and ultrasounds and usually presents no symptoms. T-1 cancers are usually local cancers.
The second stage of prostate cancer is called T2, professionally. This stage is one where the tumor can be felt through a digital rectal exam. It can also be viewed through ultrasound. The tumor is still confined to the prostate area. T2 cancers are usually local cancers.
The third stage of prostate cancer is a spreading tumor. This stage is professionally known as stage T3. The cancer at this stage will now start to move to the seminal vesicles and close-by tissues. It has not spread yet to the lymph nodes in the body. T3 cancers usually are regional cancers that affect areas just beyond the prostate.
The fourth stage of prostate cancer is afflicting the organs and tissues that reside nearest the prostate. This stage is professionally known as T4. T4 cancers are usually cancers that are regionally located. They reach just beyond the prostate area of the body.
The fifth stage of prostate cancer is afflicting the whole of the body. It can affect any organ, bone or lymph node. This stage is professionally known as N+ or M+. The N+ portion means that it is affecting the pelvic lymph nodes. The M+ portion of this stage means that the cancer is affecting the other lymph nodes, organs and bones that are distant from the prostate area of the body. All the parts that are mentioned for Stage M+ do not have to be afflicted with cancer in order to be classified as M+. At this stage, the cancer is considered to be a metastatic cancer, meaning that the cancer is reaching lymph nodes or other parts of the body.
Prostate cancer stages are hard to diagnose without the help of your doctor. Early detection can save your life or the life of someone you know. The National Cancer Center for Health Statistics stated that of prostate cancer sufferers on record, 99.9% had survived 5 years. Though there were people who had lived considerably longer than that, the study didn't indicate any further life expectancies beyond this one.

What Every Family Should Know About the Air We Breathe

There is no mystery that where ever a person lives on planet earth today they are going to deal with some form of air pollution. There are some small areas here and there that have very low levels of air pollution but they also have very few inhabitants. If you live in or near a big city, near manufacturing or processing facilities you are more than likely breathing in a fair amount of air contaminants. Most people have no idea exactly what is in the air they are breathing every day. Air Quality Control Boards test for and measure very few air contaminants. The National Ambient Air Quality Standards are based on just 6 air pollutants to be tested and measured for. They are:
> Carbon Monoxide [CO[, Nitrogen Oxides [NOX], Particulate Matter [PM], Sulfur Dioxide [SO2], Lead and Ozone.
Most Counties in the United States test the air daily for these 6 contaminants but in the Northern California County where I live they only test for one air contaminant and that is for Ozone. No doubt other Counties also vary in what they test for. The reason for this is mostly based on the cost of the equipment, maintenance, etc. Reasonable given our economic conditions in the last few years. Keep in mind this is testing for contaminants, not the removal of them.
Through the years many independent outdoor air contaminant tests have been carried out by individuals and organizations around the Country and have had their findings analyzed by EPA Certified Laboratories. Well over 150 air contaminants have been found at high and low levels. It is difficult to get exact, detailed information on most Government air quality test results of contaminants tested for other than the 6 they are mandated to test for. Most independent air contaminant tests, in detail, can be found on the internet. These independent test results bring forth many, many questions in regard to just what is the average American breathing every day while they are outside and exactly where are these contaminants coming from. Also, many questions arise as to what effect do the outside air contaminants have that find their way into our homes and work place when combined with the many known, harmful contaminants found in a typical home or office. Science has long confirmed that when some contaminants combine the result is not good. More on this and other issues in future articles.
The harmful contaminants in the air we breath every day come from many sources of which the majority are human created. Most of the toxins in our air are at low levels but should not be disregarded as harmless because there can be a cumulative effect that must be considered. Most contaminants can build up over time and create problems after years of exposure.
Along with the 'Normal' sources of air contaminant generation from vehicle exhaust, highway tire wear in the form of microscopic tire particulate release, manufacturing, power plant exhaust, etc. there is one very serious contaminant sources that gets very little media attention and that is the contaminants found in the Chemtrails that are sprayed every day, over every state in America. In the last year it is not unusual to see Chemtrails being sprayed in the morning and then again in the late afternoon. Chemtrails are not unique to America. For years reports, pictures and laboratory test results have come from many Countries around the world and all one has to do is look on the internet at a satellite view of the earth to see that Chemtrailing is global in proportion.
Chemtrailing in America has been going on at least since 1994 and at present has contaminated everything in the open air. People, animals, any plant that grows outside, water ways, etc. and these contaminants find their way indoors from peoples clothing, shoes, pets and through open doors, windows, normal building air intrusions and HVAC air circulation systems. In the last ten years alone, hundreds of tons of harmful contaminants have been dumped on the land, waterways and population There are hundreds of credible independent laboratory test results on the internet that show some of the high levels of contaminants being sprayed over our skies every day. High levels of Barium, Aluminum, coated polymer fibers, chemicals and a host of biological pathogens just to name a few.
All this may sound crazy or like some sort of a conspiracy but it is not - It is well known documented fact. There has been abundant information available to the public about these ongoing Chemtrail operations for years in non-mainstream media but little to no information about this in the mainstream. The fact is, it is going on every day and this adds to all the other man made contaminant load every person, animal, plant and drinking water source has to deal with.
There is no doubt, no question any longer that the extent and depth of contamination in the air we breath is serious. There have been no studies to date that reveal what the resulting long term health effects are when the contaminants found in the air we breath combine.
There are things that we all can do to reduce and in some instances eliminate the majority of these contaminants from our personal environment to help protect our families and ourselves. We can assure that the food we eat is air born contaminant free by growing it in small raised bed green houses in our back yard. We can protect ourselves, our pets and our homes, offices and vehicles in very inexpensive ways to improve the quality of our health and life. There are many good and proven natural health products to help a person remove these contaminants and enhance their immune systems to fight off the effects of this constant unavoidable assault. There are very good, highly effective air filtration systems people can use in their homes work place and vehicles that will remove harmful contaminants and once again let people breath clean refreshing air. Also, there are high quality, inexpensive water filtration systems that remove most contaminants found in our drinking water and leave in the healthful minerals for good taste and nutrition.
In my opinion we are beyond the point of no return because the air quality problem is a lot bigger than eliminating vehicle, factory and power plant contamination though there is no doubt that will help. If these contaminants are addressed, it will take years to realize the effects. Right now it is up to every individual to protect themselves and their family. To start, inform yourself. Also, I highly recommend starting by protecting your home by filtering the air. On the link below you will find some of the most effective air filtration systems for your home, office and vehicle available today along with highly advanced supplements that help cleans, restore and invigorate your body .

Monday, October 15, 2012

Step Up Your Kid's Exploration With Student's Microscopes

Children are always curious. Take advantage of this curiosity to broaden their minds and let them explore nature and the world around them from a different perspective - through the lens of the microscope. Get them student's microscopes in Toronto, where microscopes of various types and makes are available.
Why a Student's Microscope for Your Kids?
A child's curiosity has to be sated or this hunger to know and appreciate the things around him can be stifled. A child's curiosity can lead him to wonder about the four Ws and one H - what, when, where, who, and how. If this curiosity is guided towards the discovery of nature, take them outdoors instead of pampering them with video games. The outdoors is a vast learning place; flowers, trees, and bugs are delightful specimens and much more if these are viewed from a student's microscope.
Reliable student's microscopes in Toronto beat a toy microscope but the latter would be fine to start young children on microscopy examination of their 'finds.' When they are a wee bit older and "wizened" in the art of microscopy, step up their interest with an honest-to-goodness microscope that raises magnification levels to new highs. Although a student's microscope is not a high powered instrument, it is a powerful tool that would open the children's eyes to nature.
Student's microscopes in Toronto schools and elsewhere are not the average high-powered microscopes used in professional and research laboratories. But these are great teaching tools. The microscope has dual focusing and offers fine focus. Slide a strand of cotton thread and let the kids see how the thread looks like when viewed under the microscope.
Explaining that the thread comes from the cotton plant and expounding the many uses of cotton furthers their understanding of plants and their importance in everyday life. The discovery leads to more interesting discoveries, which would later help them appreciate their biology lessons. One small microscope and it's a big leap towards your children's academic development and will shape their attitude towards the world around them.
You can rely on the student's microscopes in Toronto stores for durability and accuracy. This type of microscope has a built-in light, a top requirement when choosing a student's microscope. It is also easy to use because there is no need to complicate things. The point is arousing children's curiosity -- how plants and bugs look like when magnified 40x their actual size; you are not expounding cell division or molecular biology, though this will come later on.
Shopping for Student's Microscope
Price is not the sole factor when shopping for student's microscopes. Although this is cheaper than most microscopes, you can still find better deals because student's microscopes in Toronto are reasonably priced though high-end student's microscopes are available too for school labs.
If your purchase is intended or school use dealers of student's microscopes in Toronto provide hefty discounts for bulk purchases. For this school labs, the type of student's microscope will have higher magnification and can see through layers of the specimen.
Several brands of student's microscopes and educational microscopes are available. Many of these are imported from Germany, China, and other countries; all these brands follow strict standards for microscopy manufacture and come with a warranty. Should your microscope need professional repair, you can have it repaired or replace parts. For your children, the cheaper student's microscope will do and there's no time like now to start them the study of nature.
For more information, you are most welcome to our

The Advantages Of A Stereo Zoom Microscope

If you have had no experience with microscopes other than your exposure to them in high school biology lab, you may have never heard of a stereo zoom microscope. You almost certainly used a compound microscope throughout your high school career.
A stereo zoom microscope differs from a compound microscope in that it has a set of two eyepieces, like a stereo audio system has two speakers. With two eyepieces the stereo zoom microscope functions like a telescope, except that it is used to view very small close objects instead of very large distant ones.
Features Of Stereo Zoom Microscopes
The stereo zoom microscope, by virtue of its twin eyepieces, allows you to view your specimen with both eyes and get a much more accurate view of its surface. The human visual system only perceives depth accurately when both eyes are viewing an object, so using a compound microscope with one squinting eye can produce a distorted idea of what is actually being seen.
Unlike a compound microscope, a stereo zoom microscope can efficiently handle the viewing of solid specimens of any material from paper to insects to gemstones. Thickness is not an issue. But it is also perfectly capable of handling slide-prepared specimens. So the versatility of a stereo zoom microscope means that you'll never be without a way to study whatever catches your eye.
When you first use your stereo zoom microscope, you may be amazed at its precision and ease of use. Its zoom feature will give you magnification of between ten and forty times, making the tiniest details of a specimen's surface clearly visible for analyzing. The illumination for the stereo zoom microscope comes from a bulb at the lower edge of its focus dial, just above its stage. The location of the light ensures that even dark specimens will show up clearly.
One of the real beauties of the stereo zoom microscope is that it allows the viewer to adjust its magnification levels without removing his or her eyes from the eyepieces, eliminating the need to constantly readjust the focus.
Buying A Stereo Zoom Microscope
Some compound microscopes can be converter to stereo zoom microscopes with the addition of a stereo zoom; the process may take a couple of hours but it will be far less expensive than buying a fully equipped stereo zoom microscope. Stereo zoom microscopes are not hard to find, and you can start looking for one on the Internet or in your local Yellow Pages. You can expect them to be priced according to their magnification capacities.
For more information, you are most welcome to our website:<a href="" title=""></a>

Friday, October 12, 2012

Best Flat Irons Reviews

If you truly value your hair then you'll make sure that you take home the best flat iron to straighten it. Many flat irons claim to safely and efficiently transform people's usual look into sleek and straight locks, but many can't live up to their promise and end up damaging their hair with bad quality plates. To avoid becoming a victim of a low quality iron, here's what the best flat irons should include and what you should keep an eye out for.
Best hair irons use nothing but the best quality plates, and with this we mean genuine ceramic, solid titanium or pure tourmaline. Do your absolute best to purchase a hair iron with pure plates and preferably ceramic or with a ceramic heater. Be extra careful with misleading terms like "nano-ceramic", which means that the plates hardly uses any real ceramic at all, instead they only microscopic particles of it. The same goes for all nano technologies except nano-tourmaline in a solid ceramic flat iron which is actually good news since tourmaline is an incredibly ionic material that will smooth down every strand in less time. Ceramic coated plates must be the worst of them all since they're nothing more but aluminum with ceramic paint. Although many professional hair irons use thickly coated ceramic they're still not as safe or as high quality as solid ceramic. With pure plates in your flat iron you'll guarantee outstanding results, protective technologies and a long lasting device that will keep your hair healthy and your appearance at its best.
By saying protective we mean the use the far-infrared heating and ionic technology. Far infrared is a better and more efficient way to heat the hair since its gentle waves warm each strand from the inside, avoiding the exterior layer which is delicate and easily damaged. Ionic technology is what gives hair such a smooth and silky effect so quickly thanks to its negative ions that cut down on the time it would normally take to straighten while neutralizing static and frizz for a long lasting, sleek style.
Now about important features, all top quality flat irons include a variable heat setting, a swivel cord and comfortable handles. A variable heat setting is of highest importance for safe straightening as heat levels differ according to each hair type and purpose. Fixed heated flat irons may say wonders about themselves but all they'll do is damage your hair with their permanent high temperatures. So favor hair irons with a manual or digital temperature control to turn down the heat and prevent burning your hair. A swivel cord is very convenient during styling since they are designed to rotate when the flat iron does, meaning that it'll never get tangled to make the process of hair straightening even swifter. Lastly, comfortable handles will ensure that you can maneuver the device effortlessly and have a good grip while styling for better control.
These aspects are the very essence of the best flat irons, but it's really up to your personal choice and preference so try to keep in mind what's really important when choosing your very own flat iron to guarantee the best hair styling experience with one of the best flat irons on the market.

Yeah Right - I'm Not Buying a Water Treatment System!

Are you one of those people who are still depending solely on your local water treatment system to keep you safe from all of the contaminants in our drinking water supply? Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you but you will probably find that the best water treatment can only be found at home.
With the kinds of contaminants that your local water treatment system is forced to face every day it cannot offer you the protection that you and your family need. The equipment that they are using may have been adequate to face the challenges of providing you with clean water a century ago, but that is not true anymore.
Although the best water treatment process did a great job at its inception, the system's design is no longer adequate to stop the kinds of impurities that we have today. The system is basically designed to de-mineralize drinking water, but it can do nothing to stop any chemical or microscopic material.
With the tens of thousands of impurities that can be found in our water today, your only safe bet is a home water treatment system. The fact is, for less money than you probably think, you can enjoy full protection from the harmful impurities in your water.
The best water treatment system should contain multiple filtering units, each with a particular focus. You will actually need four separate filters in order to remove all of the different kinds of contaminants that are present. Following is what you'll want to look for in a home water purification system in order to be successful in removing any threat from your water.
The two most important features that every water treatment system need's, are an activated granular carbon filter and a multi media block. These are the two tools that you need in order to be able to remove the chemical contaminants from your drinking water.
Now it is time to talk about the best water treatment filter for removing parasites and cysts from your water. A lot of people don't realize that not every organism that is in our water supply is affected by the chlorine disinfection process, and these microbes can cause serious illness if ingested.
Your water treatment system will need a sub micron filter in order to deal with these microscopic threats. One of these filters can eliminate up to 99% of any biological impurities in your water. There is only one more area that we have got to cover in order to maximize your safety.
The best water treatment system will also feature an ion exchange filter, which will remove any danger posed by lead or copper in the water. These two toxic metals often leech off of the pipes that carry the water from the treatment facility to your tap.
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of why it is so important that you have a water treatment system in your home. With our water supply only getting worse, it is the only option that you have for you and your family's good health.