Thursday, March 14, 2013

Monocular Compound Microscope

Remember middle school science class? That was during the time most people found science the most fun and fascinating. You got introduced to the microscope and got to look at cool thing up under it and see it in great magnitude. You can take an item that you see everyday and place it under the interrogation table as I like to jokingly call it and see a thousand different things there that the naked eye will never catch. The faint at heart didn't like to look as much since some things can be a little too much to have such a close look at. But to those who love the science of discovery, bizarre, and oddity that can be a cool dream come true. How are we able to see such contrast? What are these monocular microscopes that allow us the pleasure of exploring? What are monocular compound microscopes? Thanks to the science world and scientist altogether we are able to examine and pick apart objects to get a better understanding of the world around us. We get to look at microscopic organisms and dissect into unknown and unfamiliar territories allowing us that in depth discovery all from a man made machine.
Microscopes are mostly used in the science field. They are instruments that give us the ability to enlarge small objects so we can have a better look on a larger scale. Microscopes are very accurate and reliable. We are able to look at organisms that would be impossible to look at if we did not have access to these instruments. You can enlarge things to even 100 times its original size which is more than amazing. There are different kinds of microscopes. You have monocular, binocular, and trinocular. Mono being one means that the monocular microscopes only have one eye piece. Binocular is made with the idea of two eyes being able to see. Another word for binocular stereo microscope is stereomicroscopes. When the binocular microscope has a third eye it is known as a trinocular microscope. These types of microscopes are for if there is a second person and there was a recording taking place to capture the image or images that were seen. There is also the monocular compound microscope which should not be confused with a compound lens magnifier. This type of microscope has very different lens that allows for a deeper look at smaller objects. It is fitted with two and sometimes even more convex lens. The monocular compound microscope is greatly used in the science world because it gives access to a more detailed study of microorganisms, tissue and cells.
We open up a whole other world of microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, and viruses where we are able to learn and become knowledgeable in the different types of life living among us. The introduction of the monocular microscopes and the monocular compound microscope has given us the opportunity to open doors that were once closed. We are learning that there are good bacteria and bad bacteria from watching it through these types of lenses. We are saving lives by figuring out the different types of viruses and how to either prevent or cure them. So much has been discovered from these scientific instruments and so much is yet to be discovered.For detailed information abou variety of microscope, click here
Remember middle school science class? That was during the time most people found science the most fun and fascinating. You got introduced to the microscope and got to look at cool thing up under it and see it in great magnitude.

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